Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Radha Saptami at Subha Niketan School

#RadhaSaptami @ #SubhaNiketanSchool

On the occasion of Radhasaptami (24-01- 2018) Management,
teachers and students of #SubhaNiketan performed
#SuryaNamaskaras whole heatedly in the school premises. Suryanamaskaras / Sun Salutation is not only complete sadhana
(spiritual practice) but also activate the endocrine system helping to build strength and flexibility. #Niketians performed a set of 12 Asana’s that massages, detoxifies and stimulates almost every organ of the human body.


1. Pranamasana
2. Hasta Uttanasana
3. Pada hastasana
4. Ashwa sanchalanasana
5. Parvatasana
6. Ashtanga namaskara
7. Bhujangasana.

Everyone enjoyed their morning assembly as they carried their own #yoga mats/bed sheets to perform the #Aasanas.

Monday, January 8, 2018

SubhaNiketan children visit to post office

#BrainBreakDay @ #SubhaNiketan - As a part of Brain Break Day, our students of classes 1 and 2 visited a post office which enables them to know about the sorting, stamping and dispatching of letters. As an activity, children made the houses with ice cream sticks.